视力是人生最珍贵的礼物之一. Our doctors and experienced staff at the Eye Clinic at 十大正规网赌软件 are dedicated to helping you maintain and improve your eye health. 从综合检查和医疗程序, 对与各种健康状况有关的问题进行专门护理, the Eye Clinic offers skill and expertise that will assist you and your family's eye health for life.

我们为白内障提供医疗和外科眼科治疗, 黄斑变性, 青光眼和威胁视力的糖尿病视网膜病变. 当你进行预防性眼科检查时, 我们把你的处方发到MyChart上, 所以当你订购镜框或隐形眼镜时,它总是可用的.


和大多数常规保健一样, 检查的频率取决于病人的年龄, 健康及家族史.

At the Eye Clinic, we suggest the following routine of comprehensive eye exams:

  • 在开始一年级之前
  • 从6岁到18岁的年轻人每一两年戴一次眼镜
  • 从19岁到60岁,每隔一两年
  • 从61岁起每年一次
  • 对于糖尿病患者, 有视力问题或有视力不良家族史的患者, 我们建议每年检查一次

NOTE: Simple exams for glasses or contacts prescriptions are NOT offered at this clinic.


  • 青光眼的评价与治疗, 黄斑变性, 糖尿病性视网膜病变, 结膜炎, 干眼, 眼睛受伤, 以及其他眼部慢性疾病
  • 白内障手术


An ophthalmologist is a highly skilled physician who is specially trained to provide your entire family with the full spectrum of eye care—including performing complex and delicate eye surgery. Many ophthalmologists are also involved in scientific research into the causes of, 还有治疗方法, 眼部疾病和视力问题.


白内障是眼内透明晶状体混浊. 随着时间的推移, increased cloudiness can blur your vision and eventually rob you of the joy of reading, 驾驶汽车的能力, 甚至像看你最喜欢的电影这样简单的事情. Thanks to the latest surgical advances, clear vision can often be safely restored. 如果你怀疑白内障正在损害你的视力,请拨打425.690.3415.


吸烟, 高血压, 胆固醇, 不良的饮食习惯和遗传因素都会增加患眼疾的风险. 高血压, 例如, 损害身体血管, 包括视网膜后面的那些. 如果不加以控制,这些风险因素可能导致一系列疾病. 黄斑变性, 哪一种会抑制一个人的阅读或驾驶能力, 65岁及以上的成年人视力丧失或失明的主要原因是什么.


Eye-healthy foods include brightly colored fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants. 种子, 坚果, 油性鱼类,如鲑鱼和沙丁鱼,以及叶黄素等补充剂, 玉米黄质, 鱼油和α和β胡萝卜素为眼睛健康提供营养.


医生总是花时间解释和倾听. 我感到非常自信,因为我做了白内障手术.”




Each year more than 60% of adults age 60 or older will show signs of cataracts, 浑浊眼的自然晶状体的浑浊. 症状可能包括阅读视力差, 夜间视力差, 光线似乎比以前更刺眼了, 或者颜色显得不那么明亮.

如果你有这些症状 给我们办公室打电话 为了一个简单的筛检.


The Eye Clinic at 十大正规网赌软件 has the most advanced technology available in its state-of-the-art facility. Our team is experienced and trained to perform the most technologically advanced medical and surgical eye procedures, 包括白内障摘除和人工晶状体植入. 白内障手术 is usually performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis and is one of the most successful procedures in all of medicine.


白内障是人体天然晶状体混浊. The lens is the part of your eye that focuses light onto the retina to produce clear images. 它主要由蛋白质组成. If the protein in one's human lens denatures over time, it becomes cloudy and is called a "cataract."

使蛋白质变性的一个例子是“硬煮”鸡蛋. As the clear liquid (protein) of the egg is heated it denatures and becomes a white solid.

The human lens protein within the eye gradually denatures over years and first gets less flexible. By the age of 40 or so the lens is no longer able to flex to completely focus images for near, 所以我们开始戴老花镜来近距离观察. 然而,在这个年龄,晶状体通常仍然是清晰的.


白内障是衰老过程中正常的一部分, 早在50岁时就可以发现早期症状. It has been said that if everyone lived to age 200 we all would need cataract removal. 有些人比其他人更早得白内障. 大多数白内障进展缓慢, and are not visually significant; until approximately age 65 or older. 白内障与某些全身性疾病(如糖尿病)一起会更快发生, 或者某些职业, 就像玻璃吹风机需要整天在紫外线下工作一样.

When cataracts get more advanced they start to decrease the light's ability to pass efficiently through the lens, 导致视觉清晰度下降的. They usually form slowly and are associated with no pain, redness, or tearing.


然而,白内障在妨碍视力之前并不严重. 如果白内障变大或变密, 它通常可以通过手术切除, but some stay small and don't change one's eyesight much in the course of a lifetime.

While cataracts result in diminished acuity because of the opacification of the lens, 它们不影响视野, but these people have more difficulty seeing in poorly lit environments due to a decrease in contrast sensitivity. Many people with cataracts experience increased sensitivity to light and glare. Reading material appears faded or hazy and is more difficult to read in dim lighting. 病人 sometimes also notice halos around streetlights or headlights at night. 人们经常提到对强光的整体敏感性, 尤其是在晚上, 比如汽车或人行道上金属反射的光, 或者荧光灯顶灯. Colors appear faded or washed out and a change in the patient's eyeglass prescription may not improve visual clarity. 在白天, 白内障患者可能会注意到他们对光线更敏感, 但太阳镜似乎只会降低视力.


白内障手术通常是非常安全的, 成功率高吗, 也是美国最常见的手术之一.S. It is estimated that 95% of patients experience improved vision after surgery, 前提是没有其他眼部疾病. 大约5%的手术病例会导致轻微并发症.

白内障手术期间, 外科医生取出浑浊的自然晶状体, 在大多数情况下, 用透明的硅胶或丙烯酸镜片代替. This implant is actually a very small prescription lens placed inside the eye that will improve the quality of distance vision for most patients, 尽管老花镜几乎总是需要的.


有关白内障摘除手术的更多资料,请 点击这里 浏览我们的患者信息页面,并提供信息链接.

你可能会看到一些东西在你的视野中漂浮或闪烁, 但你看到的可能是漂浮在你眼睛里的物质. 在大多数情况下,这种情况与其说是有害的,不如说是麻烦的. 在某些情况下, the sudden appearance of floaters or flashes may indicate a more serious eye condition.

飞蚊症 (或“斑点”)是漂浮在玻璃体内部的小块物质, 充满眼睛内部的液体. 飞蚊症 are usually related to the normal aging process that can begin in your mid 40’s. They can appear to be small specks or strands of fiber that move slowly across your field of vision.

闪光 以条纹、流星或虚假的光的形式出现. Most adults after the age of 50 will experience flashes as part of the normal aging process when the vitreous thickens and rubs against the light-sensitive retina. 就像漂浮者一样, flashes should be checked by an eyecare provider to ensure they are not the early sign of a more serious problem.

干眼 refers to a condition of the eye where either too few tears are produced, 或者眼泪从眼睛里流得太快. 症状可能包括眼睛发痒, 坚韧不拔的, red and dry; eyelids that stick together upon awakening; difficulty wearing contact lenses; hay fever or sinus problems, 以及反复感染.

Common treatments of 干眼 include simple eye drops known as “artificial tears” or the restriction or closing of the drainage passages in the eyelid. 不及时治疗, 干眼症可能导致角膜感染和溃疡, 结膜炎, Chalazia和翼状胬肉.

干眼症可能是由于眨眼过程不规律引起的, 药物, 过度暴露在自然环境中, 维生素a缺乏, 或者一个过大的排水渠.


青光眼是主要的可预防的致盲原因. 及早发现这种情况是很重要的,为什么呢 35岁及以上的成年人应该每年看一次眼科医生.

在早期阶段, glaucoma can only be detected through a test performed by your eyecare professional. The loss of vision is usually so gradual and painless that most people are unaware of it until damage is permanent. 青光眼造成的视力丧失是无法恢复的.

Treatment includes eye drops and tablets to control fluid pressure within the eye, 青光眼的病因. 这种压力会导致视神经受到挤压, 导致周边视力丧失,最终失明.

再一次, this condition usually shows no symptoms in its early stages and can be detected during routine eye examinations. 黄斑变性 occurs within the macula, located in the central area of the retina. 这个区域主要负责你的直视和色觉.

因为液体将视网膜层分开, 黄斑中的视觉细胞被推离其正常方向. 结果给人一种透过有缺陷的玻璃看东西的感觉.

对于最常见的黄斑变性,目前还没有已知的治疗方法, 虽然激光可以用来修复黄斑的薄弱区域. 低视力艾滋病, 比如眼镜, 放大镜, specially-designed lamps and large-print books and magazines help sufferers to lead a relatively normal life of vision.

有关眼睛和视力状况的更多信息, 您可能会发现其中一些在线资源很有帮助. 如果你有问题,请随时提出来 联络我们的办事处.




眼科门诊| VMC专科护理

呼叫 425.690.3415 传真 425.690.9003